David’s Letter

David is a scientist and doctor who spends his days overseeing all sorts of cool research. He has been a Pilates client of Nina’s for almost a decade, and throughout that time, we have become close friends with him and his husband. David is brilliant, thoughtful, funny, and dogged in his pursuit of excellence…and he’s a music lover, like us! We all enjoy going to concerts, jazz clubs, and operas together.

It is with great enthusiasm that I write to support Nina and Galen in their application to adopt a child. To introduce myself, I am a resident of New York City and have known Nina for 7 years and Galen for 3 years. Nina has been my Pilates instructor throughout this time and has also become a close friend, and I have also grown to know each of their families as well.

The child whom they adopt will enter a home with parents who are fully committed to each other. Throughout the time that they were dating and into their marriage, their deepening love for each other has been a great pleasure to observe. Moreover, what sets them apart from some other couples whom I know well is how consistently they confer with each other in their choices, and I believe that one foundation of their relationship is a commitment to consultation and to reaching a consensus in both minor and important decisions. A second aspect of their relationship is their shared love of music, with Nina as a performer and Galen as a composer; I have no doubt that the child who is brought into this family will be surrounded by music and its performance and will be encouraged to explore interests and talents in such artistic expression.

The child will also become part of a larger cohesive family. I have become acquainted with both of their families at Nina’s concerts and also at family events, and in particular my friendship with Nina’s mother has grown over the years. This extended family that loves and supports Nina and Galen will also be an important support for the child. Similarly, Nina and Galen are committed to their families, and it is even in the smaller gestures such as making creatively-flavored cheesecakes or joining in family singing (a multi-generational tradition) that they express their love for their families.

Because I have gained a perspective through meeting with Nina at least twice per week for the past 7 years, I would like to describe further the qualities of her character that will make her an outstanding parent. As a Pilates instructor, the manner in which she helps students to grow in this effort illuminates how she will help a child to grow into an adult who finds a place in the world. Nina has an ability to support a commitment to health and fitness that in my experience other trainers have been unable to accomplish. She is patient, blends constructive critique with a good dose of encouragement and praise, and motivates her students’ development to an extent that they would be unable to accomplish alone. She is entirely reliable, and she quickly adapts training to accommodate the circumstances of the moment (such as strain or impending injury). Nina’s qualities of commitment, attentiveness, encouragement, adaptability and improvisation, and ability to take a longer view are those that are important for a parent.

In summary, Nina and Galen will be outstanding parents for an adopted child, and the child will enter a loving home that gently encourages the exploration and growth of the child’s interests and abilities. The child will also enter a larger family that will fully support Nina and Galen as parents.
